
https://doi.org/10.24552/00002198 ©青森県立保健大学


Study of training programs based on the needs of medical  
and welfare professionals in Aomori Prefecture 
(Career Development Center Needs Survey Report Ⅲ)


Keiko Tei, Chotoku Saito, Hideaki Kudo,  Akiko Denpoya, Atsunori Itagaki and Manabu Onishi

Professional Career Development Section of Career Development Center,  Aomori University of Health and Welfare

(Recieved March 28, 2022; Accepted July 21, 2022)




[Objective]The Career Development Center of Aomori University of Health and Welfare has training programs

for the continuing education and career development of health and social welfare workers in the Aomori

Prefecture. The objective is to improve the training program based on training attendance and needs assessment

over the past 5 years (2017-2021).


[Methods]1. Survey period: February 2021; 2. Survey subjects: A total of 1,399 facilities from the Aomori

Prefecture, which have experience of participating in our university’s projects; 3. Survey method: Self-

administered anonymous questionnaire by mail; 4. Survey contents: Questionnaire on career development

issues; 5. Analysis method: Simple tabulation of quantitative data and qualitative inductive method for qualitative



[Results]Out of the participating facilities, 371(26.5%)responded to the survey. It was observed that more

than 50% of the respondents had attended trainings held by the center. The most common method of obtaining

information about the training was from the center, and the most important mode was the organizer. The types of

training that respondents would like their staff to attend were most often related to specific assistive technology,

indicating that training for different levels of the target population is also needed.


[Conclusions]Demand for the Center’s training programs is high. We need to continue planning more training

programs for health and social welfare workers.


Key words:  continuing education, training needs, survey