
https://doi.org/10.24552/00002161 ©青森県立保健大学


University-based care prevention project A study on regional contribution


Atsuko Chiba and Motoki Ohnishi

Aomori University of Health and Welfare

(Recieved November 5, 2020; Accepted February 24, 2021)





  Community contribution is the mission of the university, along with education and research. The purpose of this study was to clarify the significance and issues of community contribution to a project aimed at preventing long-term frailty of older adults in the community, which has been ongoing for 15 years. The project’s effects were the maintenance of participants’ physical function and the preventive effect of long-term care, increasing educational outcomes by providing a place for students to acquire practical skills, and enhancing teachers’ education and research guidance for students. In addition, the significance of the university’s long-term contribution to the community is(1)preventative care by providing a place for exercise and gathering,(2)providing a place for education and research for students and teachers, and(3)contributing to an increase in public esteem. The challenge is to create and support an organizational structure that can develop an effective and sustainable project with limited human and financial resources and to constantly ensure public benefit. 


Key words:  community contribution, care prevention, long-term significance